Cusco to Puno Bus

Cusco to Puno Bus

SORT BY: Transportes Libertad BUS CAMA

Departure: 07:00 Terminal Terrestre De Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 08h 00m

Arrival: 15:00

Ratings: 3.3

Fare: Starts from S/ 40

Seats: 39 seats available

Available: 25 Window


Departure: 08:30 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 07h 30m

Arrival: 16:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 4.2

Fare: S/ 50

Seats: 19 seats available

Available: 14 Window

SORT BY: Turismo San Luis BUS CAMA

Departure: 09:30 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 07h 00m

Arrival: 16:30 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 1.4

Fare: starts from S/ 40

Seats: 59 seats available

Available: 31 Window

SORT BY: Turismo Grisman BUS CAMA

Departure: 14:00 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 08h 00m

Arrival: 22:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: New bus service

Fare: starts from S/ 50

Seats: 15 seats available

Available: 3 Window

SORT BY: Transportes Libertad BUS CAMA

Departure: 20:00 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 08h 00m

Arrival: 04:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 2.1

Fare: starts from S/ 50

Seats: 41 seats available

Available: 26 Window


Departure: 21:45 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 08h 15m

Arrival: 06:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 4.1

Fare: starts from S/ 60

Seats: 4 seats available

Available: 2 Window

SORT BY: Nuevo Continente DIRECT BUS

Departure: 22:00 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 08h 00m

Arrival: 06:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 3.0

Fare: starts from S/ 70

Seats: 11 seats available

Available: 2 Window

SORT BY: Transportes Libertad

Departure: 22:00 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 08h 00m

Arrival: 06:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 2.0

Fare: starts from S/ 40

Seats: 55 seats available

Available: 29 Window

SORT BY: Avalos Tours LUXURY

Departure: 22:00 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 07h 00m

Arrival: 05:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 4.5

Fare: starts from S/ 60

Seats: 31 seats available

Available: 19 Window

SORT BY: Trans Salvador BUS CAMA

Departure: 22:00 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 08h 00m

Arrival: 06:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: New bus service

Fare: starts from S/ 70

Seats: 18 seats available

Available: 19 Window


Departure: 22:15 Terminal Terrestre Cusco

Aprox. Duration: 07h 00m

Arrival: 05:00 Terminal Terrestre Puno

Ratings: 4.0

Fare: starts from S/ 60

Seats: 36 seats available

Available: 24 Window

Request Further Information. Get more. Do more.

If you have questions and doubts about this private Cusco City Tour, take your time in telling us your inquiries and we’ll show you a lot more options to do.

Just email us at:

[email protected]

Or WhatsApp us to:

+51 965154772 (Fredy, the guy responsible of answering your emails and inquiries at headquarter)

How to book

  1. You can get it fully booked by paying an Initial Amount via PayPal and the Total Balance must be paid in USD or PEN cash at the end of tour, then this is how you’ll get your Tour Confirmation from us.
  2. After we receive your “Booking Request”, we'll back to you as soon as possible with the PayPal link and the exact first amount to be paid.
  3. Additional information and requirements will be detailed on the email (or via WhatsApp).

After we receive your email we'll back to you as soon as possible with the PayPal link.

The exact amount and additional requirements will be sent to you later.

Now please, start by filling the Booking Form below.

Booking Request