Find here a wide range of tour options for Things to Do in Arequipa and treks to Colca Canyon. You’ll enjoy of off the beaten path private trips and adventures.
Here a list of the best things to do:
Arequipa Tours
On Arequipa Tours you’ll get from a 3-hour city tour to 3 day Colca Canyon Trek. You’ll find here the best options to enjoy your visit to “Ciudad Blanca”.
On Arequipa Tours you’ll get from a 3-hour city tour to 3 day Colca Canyon Trek. You’ll find here the best options to enjoy your visit to “Ciudad Blanca”.
Ruta del Sillar Tour is a half-day guided trip from Arequipa to the quarries. You’ll witness the ancestral process of extraction of blocks and the carving of the ashlar.
Laguna de Salinas Tour is a guided day car trip starting in Arequipa. You’ll see the Lagoon, take perspective photos at Huito Salt Lake and enjoy Lojen hot springs.
Toro Muerto Petroglyphs Tour drives you to Majes Valley, see the petroglyphs, hike up to see dinosaur footprints, taste shrimp based lunch and visit a winery and Pisco center.
Colca Canyon Tours
Colca Canyon Tours were designed to enjoy the very best of private customized car guided trips or trekking tours to Colca Canyon from Arequipa, Chivay or Puno city.
Colca Canyon Day Tour takes you from Arequipa or Chivay to Colca Canyon to marvel the flight of the Condors, landscape and after a tasty lunch return to Arequipa.
Colca Canyon 2 Day Tour travels from Arequipa to Chivay with stops, overnight in Chivay. Next day you’ll visit the Canyon and see Condors, then after return to Arequipa.
Colca Canyon Day Trip from Arequipa begins at 3 am and goes to Chivay, after breakfast, you’ll visit Colca Valley and Condor Cross, you’ll arrive to Arequipa at 5:30 pm.
On Colca Canyon Tour from Chivay you’ll get a private or quality small group guided trip of Colca Valley, Condor Cross and views of flying Condors in the Canyon.
Colca Canyon Tour from Puno is a private car ride from Lake Titicaca to Chivay with stops along the way and the next day guided visit of Colca Valley ending in Arequipa.
Colca Canyon Tour from Arequipa begins at 3 am and goes to Chivay, after breakfast, you’ll visit Colca Valley and Condor Cross, you’ll arrive to Arequipa at 5:30 pm.
Colca Canyon Trek
On Colca Canyon Trek you’ll hike along dusty roads for two or three days into the depths of one of the world’s deepest canyons and spot soaring Andean Condors.
Colca Canyon 2 Day Trek drives you from Arequipa to Cabanaconde, trek to Sangalle (overnight). Day 2 you’ll return hiking up, at Chivay bath in La Calera and return to Arequipa.
Colca Canyon 3 Day Trek goes from Arequipa to Cabanaconde, descend to Chuccho (overnight). Day 2: hike to oasis. Day 3: hike up to Cabanaconde and drive to Arequipa.
We reveal what are the Best Colca Canyon Tours and why, how to book, how to prepare, and overall what to expect of each classical car trips or outdoor activities.